Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Layoffs and the New Year

Since my dear hubby works in the construction business, more specifically the pipeline, he will be getting laid off shortly. Layoffs always bring anxiety and worry. This next year I have decided that my New Years resolution, or goal is going to be on my financial picture. Dont get me wrong, I still will be looking for and posting my great deals as I need to find as many FREE and Cheap things as possible. However, I will also be looking for extra income streams. No, not get rich quick scams but I will be trying new things here and there to save and make more money. If you know of a program, please feel free to email me or post a comment on it. Now if you do not personally know me I can tell you these start up things that cost big fees to start up just isnt in my budget. I am a normal, hard working, mom who is just fighting to make it like the normal everyday person. Please stay tuned....I feel some big changes, although in little steps, coming on for the New Year!

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